Sunday, August 26, 2007

Is there any real politician in the theater?

Addressing a group of ruling coalition lawmakers from Rawalpindi, President General Musharraf has said that Nawaz Sharif would have to go to jail on return or would be bundled back to Saudi Arabia.

Why Mr. President? Why do you need to do that or even say that? By saying such you give too much importance to the other party.

Mr. Nawaz Sharif has said that he Plans to Challenge Pakistan's Musharraf. He says he will return to Pakistan as soon as possible, and plans to restore the rule of law and the sanctity of parliament in Pakistan. He also plans to continue good relations with the United States if he again becomes prime minister.

Now, my question; How in the world is he planning to become the Prime Minister? Ms. Bhutto is at least "negotiating" to get the amendment against the law that restricts both her and Mr. Sharif from becoming PM a third time. Mr. Sharif is not even raising the issue. He just says he's going to "challenge Musharraf". I'm curious, just how he's planning to do that? Shouldn't he also share his plan with the nation?

Is there any real politician in the theater? Please raise your hand.

1 comment:

Lilac said...

i am not in the theater but i raise my hand :) i think i am good at it and i am just applying my skills in an organization ;) lol

i think the prob doesnt lie with the politicians...they are poor creatures..they got an oppertunity and they are just availing it....we didnt so we are crying on top of our voices....
it is said "jaisi rooh waisey farishtey"
the problem lies with us...

there are only two solutions:
1)let things go as they are..
2)change the costitution ;)