Sunday, August 26, 2007

Philosophy VS Solution

I never start my day with the newspaper. I find it disturbing. But I do look at it at some point in the day. Today's newspaper was no different from any other day. But thankfully, it was less violent, and more political.

In an interview with Newsweek-Washington Post Ms. Benazir Bhutto has said that even though her party is urging her to distance herself from President Musharraf, she is "trying to convince them that the international community and the armed forces have confidence in Musharraf, and therefore we need to work out a solution [with him]". Political affiliations and compromises are nothing new, and not something I'm personally against. However, "solutions" that defy the fundamental philosophy of a movement or a political force, makes one wonder.

Yesterday I had also mentioned my shock at Mr. Nawaz Sharif not having seized the moment and taking a flight to Pakistan immediately after the judgment in his favor. Now PML-N in a meeting has suggested that Mr. Sharif should return before Ramadan. Let's see where that one goes.

It is also interesting how young Pakistani's all over the world are affected by the present turn of politics in Pakistan; even though they typically seem to be disconnected with the whole thing.

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